Mastering Your Body to Becoming the Perfect Male Specimen

Mastering Your Body to Becoming the Perfect Male SpecimenHave you heard of Adonis, also known as the god of beauty and desire? Once upon a time, women lusted for him and men wanted to be like him. After all, who doesn’t want a perfect male body that is wanted by many? Fast forward today and you realized that Adonis was a myth; however, the pressure remains to become the perfect man and achieve a perfect man’s body. The question is, how do you start the process of creating a perfectly sculpted physique? You are in the right place. Read thoroughly, and by the end of this article, you will know how to achieve the perfect male body ratio, which women will surely love. Plus, find out the most important tip remember when it comes to getting the perfect male body measurements.

1. Take a Look at the Perfect Male Body’s Evolution

absDid you know that chiseled abs and toned arms were not considered sexy centuries ago? In fact, the perfect male body type 150 years ago is considered overweight in modern day. In 1870, wide waist and a generous stomach was a status symbol and a sign of man’s ability to afford plenty of good food. This explains why most leaders and wealthy men have the biggest stomachs. Apparently, things changed in the 1930’s when men, particularly Hollywood actors, were required to maintain a lean physique. By 1960, it became the slimmer look that was viewed as the better type of male body. Thereafter, society realized that being too thin was not the best way for men to be healthy. In 1980’s, bulk bodies became a trend, paving way for health clubs and gym facilities. Bodybuilding also became mainstream; hence the birth of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone’s careers. By the 1990’s, the bodybuilder image was dropped and Brad Pitt’s slim cut torso became a trend. At present, the perfect male body includes a lean, muscular physique and a body mass index of 25. The challenge now is how to achieve the perfect male body measurements to make you more desirable to women. The succeeding sections will help you discover your true body shape potential.

2. Height and Weight: Understanding What Body Mass Index Is All About

genesHere’s the thing: your genes play an important role in defining your body characteristics, including your weight and height. This means if you came from a family of tall people, then there is a higher possibility that you will inherit this trait, too. According to new YouGov research, the perfect male height is five feet and 11 inches. Anything below 5’3” is too short, while going above six feet is too tall for women. What about weight? In that case, body mass index or BMI comes in. [adsanity id=”49837″ align=”aligncenter” /]BMI is a measurement used to check the ideal amount of fat in your body according to your height and weight. Therefore, the perfect male body weight should give you a BMI of not more than 25 in proportion to your height. Anything beyond 25 is considered overweight. Don’t worry. There are ways to help you turn things around and achieve the perfect man’s body, which you will learn more about in the succeeding sections. However, some experts are wary of using the BMI calculator because it does not consider other components such as your built and the muscles you have in your body.

3. Science Speaks: The Perfect Male Body Proportions According to Experts

Male BodyWhen you say the perfect male body, this means you want a body that will turn heads and make you appealing, especially to women. Here’s the truth: science has already discovered the formula to achieve the perfect male body ratio, hence the birth of the Vitruvian Man. It is a number that approximately equals 1.618. This means the ratio of one portion of your body to another should be x is to1.618. For instance, your hand has a value of one. The ratio of your hand to your forearm should be 1:1.618. Hence, if you have a 32-inch waist and your shoulder measures 45 inches, the ratio from your waist to shoulders is 1.406, which means you need to adjust somewhere, so you can get 1.618 ratio. By somewhere, this means your shoulders. In relation to the shoulders and waist, read the next pointer to find out the perfect shoulder to waist formula.

4. Perfecting Your Body Measurements: The Shoulder to Waist Formula

Following the example above, there are also other factors that come into play when you plot the numbers in the perfect male body measurements calculator. This includes your weight and height. To compute for the shoulder-to-waist formula, the ideal shoulders must be a ratio of 1.168 to your waist, while the ideal waist circumference must be approximately 45 percent of height in inches. Going back to the example, you need to boost your shoulders to approximately 52 inches to be able to achieve the perfect male body. After all, women are not into small waists and small shoulders, too. MeasurementsApparently, the golden ratio of 1:1.618 does not apply to shoulder to waist alone. In fact, it applies to your entire body. The challenge now is applying this ratio to your entire body. Let’s say you are not a math freak and prefer doing it the traditional way. That’s fine. The next sections will discuss about maintaining the right body proportion through a variety of helpful tips and workout ideas.

5. Fat or Flat: Flab is Not Fab, as Are Skin and Bones

You may have seen how Christian Bale dropped a massive amount of weight to portray the role of Trevor Reznik in the movie, The Machnist. While losing weight might be on top of your agenda, nobody wants to make love to someone who is just skin and bones. Nonetheless, most women prefer losing the flab, too, despite the “dad bod” slowly entering the mainstream. Therefore, find the middle ground between too flabby and too skinny. No woman would want to see your rib cage popping out during an intimate session, but she doesn’t want to get buried under your belly fat, as well. A perfect male body should be lean and muscular, but not too muscular. You should be fit but not too overdone. If you can make it look natural, then much better. In other words, a balanced body has made it on top of the list, which leads you to the next tip.

6. Health Matters: Why Taking Care of Your Health Could Help You Achieve the Perfect Male Body

lose weightThe truth is there are various ways you can do to lose weight and help you achieve the body of a perfect man. The question now is how healthy is your chosen method? While a woman loves to see your abs and toned arms, how you achieved it is also a question she needs to know the answer, too. In fact, 89 percent of women say that a man taking care of his health is also important to them. In other words, don’t lose weight, get a fit and perfect body, and gain all those muscles in an unhealthy way. It may take some time and a lot of effort to work out and watch what you eat, but at the end of the day, all of these will pay off, which leads us to the next one.

7. A Healthy Appearance and a Great Physique Will Boost Your Chances

Let’s say you health has been your priority since day one. You made sure you eat healthy, stayed away from junk and processed food, and minimized your sugar intake. Here’s the surprising part: at times, this may not be enough. Aside from the healthy appearance, a great physique could also boost your chances when it comes to women and make you a bench mark for the perfect male body type. Hence, if you have maintained the perfect male body ratio of 1.618, eat healthy, and worked out regularly, then this could be enough to get a woman’s attention. Keep it balanced, because too ripped or too lean could tick a woman off. attraction to womenDon’t forget your charming personality and a splash of a product like Nexus Pheromones to increase your chances in the dating world. Increasing your attraction to women is amplified with pheromones, and Nexus contains seven human pheromone compounds that are amplified a thousand times to achieve the maximum effect. Aside from these tips, there is another factor to consider in perfecting the male body: work out. The succeeding section will tell you about how to start the perfect male body workout you will enjoy and stick with for the long haul.

8. Squats: Helping You Achieve Not Just the Perfect Man’s Body, but Also Making You More Functional

There’s something you should know about exercise: it will never be complete without squats in it. This is because doing squats is the foundation of your functional movements, because they use almost every muscle group in your body. Aside from your legs, your back, hips, arms and shoulders also come into play to strengthen your entire body and helps you achieve the perfect male body.

How to Do Squats Properly

Here’s how to do squats the right way:
  • Stand straight, with your head facing forward and chest up and out.
  • Your feet must be shoulder-width apart.
  • SquatsExtend your hands straight out and in front of you.
  • Go down as if you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Make sure you keep your head still facing forward.
  • Lower yourself down, making your thighs parallel to the floor.
  • Bring yourself back up to your starting position.
Do squats 12 to 15 times per set in three to five sets and say hello to a perfect body.

9. Tone Your Chest with the Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press

This is the most common and most effective way to tone your chest, particularly the upper chest. After all, your upper chest is the most important area you should develop to exude a masculine appearance. Here’s how to do the inclined dumbbell bench press:
  • Lie back on an inclined bench with a dumbbell on each hand.
  • Push the dumbbells up and hold them at shoulder width.
  • As soon as your arms are raised, rotate your wrists forward with your palms facing away from you.
  • Hold this position for up to two seconds then return to original position.
  • Do this six times.

10. Do the Standing Overhead Press to Build Great Shoulders

ShouldersYou know how important your shoulders are in building the perfect man’s body. In case you want to keep your shoulders toned and muscular, then this next exercise is for you: the standing overhead press. Follow these steps to do the standing overhead press:
  • Stand with the bar in front of your shoulders with your legs hip-width apart.
  • Raise your chest towards the ceiling by arching your upper back and with your chin touching your upper chest.
  • Lift the bar over your head and hold it for one second.
  • Return to original position and do this six times.

11. Pop Your Arms Out with Barbell Curls

Have you seen the latest Captain America movie? There was a scene where Captain America was pulling the helicopter with his bare hands to stop Bucky from escaping. In that scene, there was a tremendous display of Chris Evans’ toned arms that surely made every woman swoon and the guys jealous. To tone your arms, try the barbell curls. Here’s how it works:
  • Stand up with your torso upright.
  • Hold the barbell at shoulder-width grip with your palms facing forward.
  • Barbell CurlsCurl the weights as you contract your biceps. Take note that only your forearms should move.
  • Return to the original position.
  • Do this eight to 12 times per set with three to five sets.
Aside from developing your shoulders, this workout is a full body, compound exercise, too.

12. Doing the Pull Ups or Chin Ups: Building Your Back to Achieve the Perfect Male Body

Admit it. You often pay less attention to your back, since it is covered most of the time. You prefer to focus on your abs and biceps, since these areas are more visible especially during summer. It turns out that a perfect man’s body should have toned back too – and pull-ups or chin-ups could do the trick. To do the pull ups:
  • Hang on a bar with your hands more than shoulder-width apart.
  • Pull yourself up until the bar reaches your chin level.
  • Hold for one to three seconds before returning to your original position.
For the chin ups, the procedure is the same except that your palms should be facing you. Do the rest of the routine as outlined above as it targets lower middle back, lower lat regions, and even your biceps.

13. Planking: Perfecting Your Body One Muscle at a Time

PlankingYou might think that planking only targets the abs. Apparently, not. In fact, planking is a vital workout routine because of its ability to target major muscles in your body such as biceps, triceps, deltoids, obliques, pectoral majors, quadriceps, latissimus dorsi, glutes, hamstrings and the gastrocnemius. In other words, planking builds your core, upper body, and lower body, thereby making it a full body workout. How to do a plank:
  • Get into a press or pushup position.
  • Bend your elbows and put the rest of your weight into your forearms.
  • Make sure that as you bend your elbows, your body will form a straight line from your shoulder to ankles.
  • Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds and do this one to two times a day.
This is ideal if you are looking for a quickie workout, because it targets major muscle groups. It saves you extra time, too. Aside from doing the perfect male body workout regularly, what you eat could help you achieve the Adonis body you’ve always wanted. In fact, exercise and diet work hand-in-hand, which is why you need to read the succeeding sections to find out what constitutes the perfect diet. Plus, find out the most important tip to remind you on your journey towards becoming the perfect male specimen.

14. Eat Your Way Towards Achieving the Perfect Diet Starting with Carbohydrates

CarbohydratesDid you know that carbs are your body’s main source of energy? In fact, you will need a lot of this to make sure your body gets enough supply, which you can get from fruits, veggies, dairy products, whole grains and beans. Therefore, make sure that 60 percent of your calories come from carbs, particularly the good kind of carbs. Refined sugars and white rice have no place in this department. For a sample balanced breakfast, try a bowl of oatmeal mixed with low-fat milk and low-sugar fruit preserves. You can also have a toast with a peanut butter spread.

15. You Can Never Achieve a Perfect Man’s Body Without Protein by Your Side

Just like carbs, protein is another essential food group you should include in your diet. It helps build and repair tissues, which could come in handy after workouts. It also keeps you full, which is why you should always have protein serving on your plate. The key here is finding the right balance of protein in relation to other food groups. Ideally, protein intake must be15 to 20 percent of your daily caloric intake. You can get protein from black beans, lean meat, nuts, fish, chicken and cheese. A post-workout smoothie with Greek yogurt, low fat milk, banana, apples and peanut butter could also be helpful.

16. The Game Changer: Don’t Say No to Fats

FatsAdmit it. You get scared every time you hear the word “fat.” Believe it or not, your body needs fat to be able to function properly. In case you are serious about becoming the perfect male specimen, you should know that you need fats, too. How do fats work? Here’s how:
  • Transports and absorbs fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
  • Makes up your cell walls.
  • An important energy source especially during exercise.
The thing is fats taste good, but too much of it could lead to unwanted effects. If you had too much cholesterol, this could create havoc inside your body. Therefore, here are tips to remember when adding fats in your diet:
  • Consume healthy fats in moderation.
  • Take it easy on eating saturated fat from eggs, meat, milk and cheese, since it could raise your cholesterol levels.
  • Unsaturated fat should be your main source of fats.
  • Take it easy on low-fat products since these are usually replaced with sugar in order to maintain flavor.
  • fishesGo for omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which you can get from fishes.
Given all this information about the evolution of a man’s body to tips on how to become the perfect male specimen, there is something you need to remember and should never take for granted. Find out more in the next section.

17. The Most Important Tip to Remember When Working Towards Your Perfect Male Body

It’s understandable that you want to achieve the perfect male body measurements. Still, here is something you should remember: enjoy the journey and experience. Without a doubt, women want men who are fit and toned with muscles in the right places. They want someone who could carry them around and protect them when the situation calls for it. As you work your way out towards achieve the perfect male specimen, keep in mind that you should enjoy the experience and not be obsessed about it. Women prefer it when you look good without exerting too much effort – or at least without her knowledge. It’s about doing what you love to do and prioritizing absolute health. Being a health nut is okay, but this doesn’t mean you should spend most of your time in the gym or counting calories every meal. There is more to life than getting an Adonis-like body. musclesThis could be challenging, since there is a thin line between obsession and what’s normal. Still, once you stop obsessing over muscles, the road towards the perfect male body will become an effortless maintenance. While all of these 17 tips will work, here is something you also need to remember: be confident. Achieving a perfect male body is hard work and dedication. At the end of the day, what matters most is how you are also able to carry yourself regardless of your body type. Keep your chin up and smile. You’re good-looking, no matter what.

The Smooth Operator’s Guide on How to Be Sexually Attractive

The Smooth Operator’s Guide on How to Be Sexually AttractiveA man’s life can never be considered complete unless he learns how to create a positive impression in a women’s mind. Learning how to be sexually attractive to opposite sex is one thing, and executing it to perfection is another; however, it is not rocket science to impress a woman and make her attract sexually towards you. All it needs is a bit of common sense and knack of executing simple things right. There are many ways to impress a woman and keep her attracted to you sexually. All these ways have been proven and can work on anyone. Furthermore, they’re easy to execute and you do not have to take any risk whatsoever. In this article, you will learn different ways to keep your women sexually interested in you for a long time. Make sure you follow all the simple ideas listed below to make sure you win over her heart and get her interested in you, not just mentally but also physically. Here are a number of different ideas for sexually attracting a woman:

1. Be Confident and Strut Your Stuff

be confidentOne of the assured ways of sexually appealing any woman is to up your sexual appeal. You can easily do this by having confidence in your actions. When you give a strong indication to a woman of being strong and masculine, they create an impression in their mind of you being supremely confident about yourself. This impact will directly create a sexual attraction towards you. Wondering how you can achieve this without much trouble? Here’s how:
  • Have Self-Confidence: You basically do not have to do much. Be yourself – be confident in all the moves you make and be upright. It helps create a positive impression.
  • Be A Dominator: For sexually appealing a woman, you need to give an impression of being able to dominate all situations. Being confident about your self will go a long way in establishing this impression in her mind.

2. Remember: Always Talk In Deep Low Voice

If you want to seduce your woman then the best way to do is to talk in deep low voice. While talking in a deep tone will make you sound sexy and masculine, low voice brings its own aura that can easily force women’s mind run wild and start imagining about you. Here are some useful tips to talk in deep low voice:
  • First and foremost, you need to relax your throat and do not get nervous or tense unnecessarily. In learning how to relax, you can easily bring your tone down to a level that is comfortable and soothing to hear.
  • Drink a glass of water for wetting your throat and help relax you mentally. This may not seem much, however, it can work wonders for you.

3. A Little Personal Grooming Goes a Long Way

You simply cannot talk to a girl let alone attract her sexually if you do not smell pleasant. So, as a first step to having a woman sexually attracted to you, it is important that you have a nice smell. To smell good, you need to be hygienic. perfume for your bodyHow do you smell nice and maintain perfect hygiene? Find out below:
  • Take a bath or shower every day. Being lazy to take a bath or skipping them altogether will only make your situation bad to worse.
  • Make an effort to identify the perfect perfume for your body. Always opt for a mild, masculine spray that can do the trick for you.
  • Always dress properly. Your dressing sense will have a bearing on your personality, which, in turn, will determine to what extent you can seduce your woman.

4. Personality Matters: Be a True Blue Alpha Male

If there is one area you would really like to work hard then it has to be your personality. If you already have a pleasing personality, then you can still work on it to improve further; however, if your personality isn’t that dynamic, then this is the time you have to improve. Do you know how to improve your personality? Here are some insights:
  • In order to have a pleasing personality to improve your sexuality then you have to act confident. Be always assured of yourself and it will show to her.
  • Always have a good sense of humor and be sure to control your emotions come what may. If this isn’t your thing, work hard at it until you have it under your control.
  • In order to be a blue alpha male, you have to have a positive mental attitude. This is where your state of mind comes into the picture. Once you start believing in your ability, the results will start following you.

5. Learn How to Be Sexually Attractive By Being Different

play electric guitarThe problem with most men is that they find it difficult to be different from others in the pack. If you follow the same steps that others do and don’t try to be creative enough, then you will not impress your woman let alone attract her sexually. In your attempt to woo your woman, you simply cannot be too boring or plain. Want to know how you can be different? Here are some suggestions:
  • If you play electric guitar well or think yourself to be a reincarnation of Jimi Hendrix, then why not flaunt it before her? In doing so, you are honing your skills as well as attracting her sexually. It can’t get better than this, can it?
  • If you have the knack of mimicking influential personalities, then you may try that, as well. You may sound different, but you are to impress her and attract her sexually over time.
  • Whatever talent you possess, be sure to share it without seeming boastful. Just remember to be yourself and appreciate sharing your time with her.

6. Do Not Ever Sound or Look Dependent to Her: This Definitely Works

If you truly want to master how to be sexually attractive man then your interaction with your lady shouldn’t go to that extent that she gets a feeling that you are dependent on her, directly or indirectly. When you sound like you are dependent, it shows off in your body language and the way you speak. At the end of the day, you need to realize that women are special and intuitive creatures who can tell what somebody is expecting from them. Therefore, you need to be yourself and do not expect from her anything, it can actually work to your benefit. She will be impressed and will start to think of you all the time. This will, in turn, lead to sexual attraction over time. cookingHere are some tips to sound and look cool all the time:
  • Have you run into some kind of problems with your car? Do not worry, call a mechanic or better yet, arrange for another car. Do not make the mistake of calling up your woman asking for help. Calling her up for help may not seem much of a problem to you, however, it will not help create a positive impression in her mind.
  • Do not ask your woman to cook for you. More often than not, she may do it for you even before you ask for it. Just in case you know cooking, attempt a few dishes, especially the ones she likes the most and serve it to her to surprise her.

7. You Heard It Right: Stop Being Her Friend

If you want to learn how to be sexually attractive to your woman, then you need to stop being her friend. When you come out of your friend zone, it forces her to look at you in a different way. So, if you have been doing lots of favors for her by directly being a close friend to her, then stop doing that right away. [adsanity id=”49837″ align=”aligncenter” /]This does not mean you should stop talking to her altogether. It just means that you need to redefine your relationship with her. When she starts looking at you from a different angle, there are chances she will feel attracted towards you sexually. In fact, she will feel as though you are much more than just a friend for her. A vast majority of men wrongly believe that in being a friend to a woman it opens the door for them to invite her to fall in love with them; however, this is not entirely true. How can you maintain a healthy distance? Try these tips:
  • If she asks you to pick a book from the library for her, or some other chore she can do herself, then you can politely refuse help by giving her a reason. Do not start being rude to her, instead, you can tell that you have an important work to finish and therefore not in a position to help her at that stage.
  • If your woman asks you to cook for her, then tell her you cannot do it as you are not an expert at it. Suggest she order take out, instead. The point is, you should not be her personal errand boy, but you can support her when she really needs it.

8. Build Up Sexual Tension Slowly but Surely

When you are asked to build up sexual tension, there are chances that you may end up doing the opposite. Like most men, you are not alone in following this trend, but if you truly want to learn how to be sexually attractive to a woman then you should be able to build up sexual tension slowly but surely. There are chances that you will get the results as desired. So, before you get on it the right way, it is important to understand what builds up that tension. Want to know how to build up sexual tension? Given below are some tips:
  • Build Up the Sexual Tension: If you have your woman’s number then wait before you give her a call or text her. You should never try to call her up or send her a message right away. This will, in a way, destroy all the sexual tension you can possibly build up. Instead, wait for a couple of days and then send a message.
  • Be Humorous: Using cocky comedy can be an effective way to build up sexual tension. How to go about doing this? Start off being as arrogant as you can be, then add some humor to it. For example, if you are standing in a line waiting for your coffee, then instead of saying, “Hurry up, you are not working fast enough,” you can consider saying “Hey, this line always seems long, if you like me, can you please help me get a free coffee if I jump the line and come forward?”
  • Tease Your Lady: Whenever you get an opportunity to tease your women, do just that. Most women like men who tease them in a friendly and casual way, but be careful not to insult her.

9. Create the Perfect Atmosphere and Ambiance

It is easier to awaken the sexual urge in men, compared to women; but, you still need to work hard at it and make sure your woman is attracted towards you. So, what can you do to attract her easily and quickly? Though there are no sure-shot methods to get your way in this, nonetheless you can help create a perfect atmosphere and ambiance. In doing this, you will go a long way in attracting your woman. How to set up a perfect atmosphere to help attract your woman? Here are some tips:
  • Keep your place tidy. If you know your woman is coming over, then make sure to keep your place clean and tidy. Arrange all the items neatly and in their proper places. This will give her an indication that you are indeed clean and understand the importance of hygiene.
  • Light your abode. Lighting at your place can also work in your favor, especially if you are trying how to be sexually attractive to women. Just make sure the lighting at your place is neither too bright nor too dark. In fact, you need to keep the lighting just enough to create a unique feeling in the mind of your woman.

10. Remember This as a Rule – Dress Well

Wearing a nice outfit when you have your lady around helps a lot in creating a feeling of attraction in her mind. So, make sure your suit or ensemble is new, clean and wrinkle-free. However, this does not mean you have to be in a full suit. To follow it up, comb your hair properly and use don’t forget to brush your teeth and shave, too. Do you need more tips how to dress well when she is around? Get them below:
  • dress nicely Dress Nicely: Dressing well doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wear something that is overly colorful or heavy. It just means that you have to select an outfit in which you are comfortable and can move around without any difficulty.
  • Wear Accordingly: Just as a woman looks up articles like, “how to be sexually attractive to your boyfriend,” you need to wear clothing according to the situation. You need to understand that not all outfits can be worn for every occasion. For example, you need to wear a suit if you are going out with her to a church or temple, and wear a more casual type if going out with her to a party and so on.

11. Have Positivity in Your Body Language

Even simple things like how you position your legs or lean back on a sofa can have an impact on a woman and initiate sexual urgings in her. This is why you cannot take your body language for granted and in fact, use it to good effect to draw your woman towards you. If you fail to convey your feelings to her through your body language, then it becomes virtually impossible to attract him sexually. Given below are some important points to can consider for improving your body language:
  • It does not matter what others think, make sure your belly button is facing the person you are attracted to or want attention from. Ensure this happens, even if you are required to turn your head and look into another direction.
  • Whenever there is an opportunity coming your way, make sure to touch him. A golden rule on how to be sexually attractive to your man is when you touch a man whom you want to attract sexually, the message gets passed on to him quicker than you can imagine. Yes, you may not find it appropriate to do when you are on a first date, but it can be achieved during the second one.

12. Stimulate Her Brain to Stimulate Her Heart

Women read up on topics like how be sexually attractive to your husband or boyfriend, as well as many other topics, so learn to stimulate her brain or his intellect. Give her a clear indication that you can match her confidence and smartness, and that it would be a loss to her if she decides to leave you. Indicate to her that you are ready to accept her as she is and that you are just waiting for her response. How to stimulate your husband’s brain? Use the tips below:
  • Call Her: Chatting over the phone in an age where email, texting, Facebook, Twitter and others rule the roost may be old-fashioned, but it can still work wonders for you. In fact, when you talk over the phone, her mind will remain open only to hear your voice and experience your intellect. This is why calling her up can help bring in sexual urgings in her towards you.
  • Talk to Her Sexually: Women often ask the experts questions like, “How to be sexually attractive to my husband or boyfriend?” And, men wonder the same when it comes to women. It is easy to get the answer for such a question. Just make sure to ask her questions on subject matter she is interested in or has a vast knowledge in.
Make sure you pay attention to her and try to learn from it. This will make her happy and she will be attracted to you sexually over time.

13. The Power of Pheromones: Get a Little Help in the Attraction Department

When you have a man-made scientific product that can help attract women towards you, there’s no harm in trying it every now and then. Nexus Pheromones is one such product you can try to have a good effect. The pheromone scent that you generate through this product will help attract women sexually towards you. In a way, this type of product helps give an indication to your woman that you are fertile, healthy and attractive.

14. Let Your Hair Do the Trick for You: Get a Sexy Haircut

When you do simple things right, it can easily work for you in the desired way. If you have always been wondering how to be sexier for your girlfriend, just as she has always asked herself, “How to be sexier for your boyfriend,” then consider giving yourself a small but interesting makeover. Why shouldn’t you have a sexy haircut? How to fix your hair to turn your girlfriend towards you? Here’s how:
  • If your girlfriend likes your short hair and says so, then you know you should look out for a short haircut that can impress her to the core. There are plenty of short hairstyles out there for you to choose from. Discuss this with your hairstylist.
  • On the other hand, if your girlfriend likes your hair a bit longer, then you needn’t consider shortening it. Instead, you can just style it to impress her even further.

15. Give Her a Gentle Massage – It Can’t Get Sensual Than This

massage Massaging your woman while she is lying down can arouse her in no time. Just make sure to apply some warm oil, especially when her body is aching a bit. Then use your sensuous strokes to awaken her senses and help her relax. In addition to getting relaxed, do not be surprised if she finds your gesture sexy and get attracted to you in a matter of minutes. Where should you massage to get ideal results? Find out here:
  • For the first few minutes, try massaging your woman near the neck area and then follow it down to her shoulders gently.
  • Working your way down, you can reach her belly button and further down towards the genitalia. These are some of the most erogenous zones of a woman’s body. It should help him get attracted to you sexually in no time.
Whether you are young or old, learning how to be sexually attractive for your partner becomes easy when you follow some simple steps. However, before you follow these steps, you need to make sure your partner is in their comfort zone. Communicate clearly and listen intently, and you’ll know what to do in no time.

Mastering the Science of Attraction: Get Her Hooked on You

Mastering the Science of Attraction: Get Her Hooked on YouYou are out with some guy buds one Friday night. It was a long, stressful week and what you need is to relax, unwind, and forget about work, even if it’s just for a few hours. As you were enjoying your drink and a good laugh, a woman in a black dress caught your attention – and you want to get to know her better. First, you need to make sure that she is attracted to you. Here’s something you should know: the science of attraction is more than just your looks, how you dress, and the way you talk. In fact, it’s much more complicated than that. Here are 15 ways to help you not just understand, but also master the psychology of attraction and boost your sex appeal, plus a secret trait you should develop to get her hooked on you.

1. Getting to Know You: A Quick Glance at the History of Science of Physical Attraction

How much do you know about attraction? Did you know that the term, “Law of Attraction” dates back to a century ago? bookIn 1906, author William Walker Atkinson released his thought movement book entitled Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. Aside from introducing the concepts of energy, thought and vibration, Atkinson’s book also discussed the power and importance of love to manifest desires. Since then, many authors have dwelled on the subject of the science of human attraction. Fast forward to 2006, when a book about the science of attraction documentary and movie by Rhonda Byrne tackled the biology of attraction, thereby spawning debates and heated discussions about this subject. The message of the movie, The Secret, is clear: thoughts create things, and positive emotional attitudes are necessary and helpful to manifest desires. The question now is this: how does the science of attraction work for men? Read the succeeding sections to find the eye-opening answer.

2. Before the Rules: Understanding the Concept of Attraction

There are tons of books dating back to 1900’s that discussed the concept of psychology of attraction. Before you master the science of love, it is imperative that you know what this concept is all about. We all want to feel important. Just like everyone else, you probably want to feel that someone appreciates you, longs for your company and cherishes you. This is the psychology of attraction. In fact, it is predicated in one simple rule: you are attracted to someone who may turn you on both physically and emotionally. Therefore, if you can make someone feel important by valuing her opinions, feelings, and even their time, then you will be attractive to her. That is the psychology of attraction. This may sound simple, but it’s not, so how to do this is something you will learn much more about in the next sections.

3. Verbal Versus Non-Verbal: The Battle of the Best When It Comes to Attraction

the way you smileWhat do you think is the best way to attract a woman? Do your clothes matter? What about the way you smile, or how your eyes look at her? Is striking a conversation much better than just sitting down and making an eye contact? Here’s the thing: you can establish connection and attraction by how you talk to her. Consequently, you can attract someone by how you look and through your actions even without saying anything. In fact, don’t underestimate non-verbal cues. Studies show that majority of communication is non-verbal and doesn’t even require a single word. What does this mean? Aside from your words, the way you walk, sit, stand, and eat matter to get her hooked on you. Are you ready to find out how the science of attraction works? Then stick around and read until the very end. You’ll also find out that hottest single trait you should develop to make sure she is hooked on you.

4. The Power of 30 Seconds: How to Make Yourself Attractive in a Short Time

Fact: people will judge you the moment you enter the room. You may not notice, but eyes are glued on you as soon as you step in. This is crucial because science says that attraction happens in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone. In fact, Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, found out that the human body knows whether someone is physically attractive or not in just one second. What can you do to make sure every second counts? Try these techniques:
  • non-verbal cuesMake direct eye contact.
  • Remind yourself how you want to have a good time to keep you relaxed. Meeting someone attractive is a bonus.
  • Sit up straight. Your body language and non-verbal cues will play a crucial role in the science of attraction, which you will learn more about later.
  • Keep it cool and don’t appear overly confident.

5. Going Verbal: Getting Her Hooked Through Your Words

You already know that the psychology of attraction can be verbal. In fact, how you talk and the words you choose matters a lot to get her hooked on you. The question is, how do you do that? Consider the following techniques:
  • Speak your mindAsk questions about what a person finds important.
  • Instead of the usual what and when, push her ideas a step further by asking the “why” behind such idea.
  • Make it a habit to listen. Total engagement is important in getting her hooked on you. If you spent the last hour checking your phone or looking bored while she talks, then you have a zero chance of attraction.
  • Do not give generic answers. Saying “yes,” “no,” or “that’s great” all the time or every time she asks you something could make her think she is boring to you. Speak your mind.
Apparently, the science of attraction is not limited to words and conversation. Check out the next sections to find out how to get her attracted to you in non-verbal ways, even without watching the documentary on the Science of Attraction on Netflix.

6. Take It Easy and Respect a Woman’s Space

Here’s the problem with most men: the moment they see their prey, they immediately zoom in to her, force themselves upon her, and demand her attention. From a woman’s point of view, this is creepy, desperate, and a major turn off. Be the better guy and avoid this mistake. What should you do then? Respect her space. [adsanity id=”49837″ align=”aligncenter” /]There will be perfect instances when you can say hello and introduce yourself. You can do that while she is getting a drink at the bar or when she is not surrounded by many people. In the meantime, allow her to be with her friends and enjoy herself without you. In case things are going great between the two of you, respect her space again. Calling and texting her 50 times a day to ask her what she’s doing is a surefire turn off. Drop the possessive card and just relax. Accept things the way they are, including a woman’s feelings, thoughts, and activities. When she noticed that you respect her space, this will make you even more attractive in her eyes.

7. All About Direction: How Choosing Where Your Toes Point Affects Attraction

proper direction for your toesYou may not notice it, but the direction of your toes could define attraction. It might sound silly, but the truth is, some women look at your toes to gauge whether you are genuinely interested in them or not. What is the proper direction for your toes? Keep your toes pointed towards the person you are speaking to. This sends an indirect message that you are interested, all ears, and willing to listen to what she has to say. At the same time, it encourages her to keep going because she knows someone is listening. The gesture seems simple, but this non-verbal cue is one of the best compliments you can give to someone. Surely, this will keep her hooked on you because she knows you are into her, too.

8. A Triple Nod: Another Simple, But Effective Way to Master Attraction

Women like to feel they are important and listened to. They want an affirmation from someone to make sure that they are making sense. When they see that someone is listening, they will keep talking, hence, making them feel appreciated. How will you do that without saying anything? talk some moreSay hello to the power of triple nod. According to scientific studies, people speak three to four times longer if you do three slow consecutive nods after they finished talking. It’s as if you are encouraging her to keep going and talk some more. At the same time, it sends a message that you are willing to listen to what she has to say. The more she talks, the deeper the conversation will be. Just make sure you’ll look at her straight in her eyes when you do this. Here’s the catch: you have to use the triple nod sparingly and not all the time. If you nod your head three times without saying anything the entire evening, then this could turn her off because she may think you don’t want to open up.

9. Body Talk: Simple Gestures That Could Lead to Attraction

Aside from the direction of your toes, your body language is also another factor you should look into to make sure she is hooked on you. This means a woman could tell if you are into her simply by the placement of your hands and arms. Body language scientists will tell you that if you often cross your arms or clutch a glass in front of your stomach, then it sends a message that you are unavailable and reserved. On the other hand, if you seem relaxed and keep your chest, torso, and abdomen open, then it could be inviting, which is encouraging for a woman to see. The same concept goes with your hands. If you put your arms in your pocket or keep them hidden most of the time, it connotes that you are having a hard time trusting the woman you are talking to. This decreases attractiveness and makes a woman feel that she can’t open up to you – and that’s not a good thing.

10. The Science of Attraction and Why the Little Things Count

keep her excitedLet’s say you got past the introduction stage and already in the getting-to-know-you stage. It means that you are following these tips religiously. What’s the next step? Use little things to woo her and keep her excited and attached. Don’t underestimate these little things, since they could translate to something bigger – and that is she is hooked on you more than ever. Try these simple little tips to make a big impression on her:
  • Always maintain eye contact.
  • Watch your posture and avoid fidgeting.
  • Make an effort to remember important details like her birthday, the name of her dog, her best friend’s name, and even her parents’ names when she mentions them.
  • Surprise her with her favorites. It doesn’t have to be grand. Even something as simple as bringing her favorite cake when you pick her up from work or a box of chocolates will do.
  • Listen attentively and genuinely during conversations.
  • Make it a point to dress nicely when you are together.
  • A simple “good morning” and “good night” text is enough to make her smile.
These simple gestures are effective in maintaining that attraction. However, there are more strategies you can use to keep her hooked on you, so keep reading.

11. Break Out of Your Shell: Widen Your Taste and Knowledge About Things

Let’s face it: going out of your comfort zone can be overwhelming and uncomfortable. This could be a bit scary for you, especially when you will venture into something new. Here’s the thing: the more reserved you are; the fewer your range will be. This could be problematic, especially in the dating scene. The truth is, women like men who are smart and aren’t afraid to speak their minds. They want someone they can talk to about anything and not just limit it to simple hobbies and interests. creativity during your conversationTherefore, broaden your tastes, take a leap, and educate yourself about other things. It would help if you consider her interests too, so you can have something mutual to talk about. However, you don’t need a perfect GPA or a master’s degree in any Ivy League school. Add a little flair and creativity during your conversation. It could also boost your chances of attraction if you can relate to her. This will surely keep her hooked – guaranteed. It adds plus points to your sex appeal, too.

12. Be Interesting: Another Simple But Challenging Technique to Maintain Attraction

You might say that women are different from each other. That’s true. In fact, some techniques that used to work on Natasha may not work on Sarah. However, one thing is for sure: all women don’t want to be bored. If you want to increase your chances of attraction, then you have to be as interesting as possible, while still keeping in touch with who you are as a person. To be interesting, you don’t have to plan once in a lifetime activities all the time, like bungee jumping or visiting a new country every month. Being the interesting guy means you present yourself in a positive manner. It’s about learning to tell a great story, finding topics that are interesting to talk about, making her laugh, and turning everything into an adventure, even if you are having a snack in a food truck. The bottom line is,if you want to keep her attracted to you, don’t bore her to death.

13. Play the Dominant Game – But Not as Dominant as Christian Grey

make a woman fall for youHave you seen the movie Fifty Shades of Grey or at least heard of it? Women may take different sides, but surely, they want to meet their Christian Grey, too. The truth is, you don’t have to own the largest telecom company or operate a helicopter to make a woman fall for you. All you need is to play the dominant card – in the right places and at the right time. So, how do you become dominant without being too cocky or annoying? Try these tips:
  • Lead the conversation, but make sure you listen to what she has to say, too.
  • Get her attention, but don’t bow down easily when she gives an opposing opinion.
  • Take note of the non-verbal cues, but don’t let yourself out in the open.
  • Appear relaxed and friendly, but don’t give away too many details about yourself.
  • Maintain respect at all times.
  • Make eye contact and hold it.
  • Maximize your superior qualities, whether you are tall, muscular, fit, smart, or even well-dressed.

14. Never Underestimate the Funny Guy to Keep Her Hooked On You

There are two guys in the room: the first guy is wearing his best clothes and looking dashing, while the other seems normal, wears decent clothes, and always cracks jokes. Who do you think the women will go to? Believe it or not, the funny guy usually wins. Making a woman laughThe truth is, humor is one, if not the most effective way to make you irresistible to women. Making a woman laugh, even if she is “out of your league” could trigger positive feelings she can’t ignore. Remember the tip about being interesting to get her hooked? Showcasing your sense of humor could help you a lot in this department and make sure you keep her interested and attracted. How do you do this? Here are some ideas:
  • Tease her, but keep the teasing smart and respectful.
  • When she asks you a question, give her a witty answer, but don’t be rude.
  • Don’t forget about the delivery, which includes eye contact, the tone of your voice and proper timing.
  • Relate your jokes to the current situation you are both in at the time.
However, being funny is not about making her laugh at the expense of other people. Keep your teasing and banter light, smart, playful and respectful. A woman will appreciate your humor if you add a dash of respect. Without a doubt, all of these techniques mentioned will help you master the science of attraction for men. However, there is one trait you need to develop to make sure that she stays hooked on you. Read the next section to find out.

15. The Hottest Trait in the World of Psychology of Attraction

What do you think turns women on? Fine, your looks, physique, and sense of humor could help you get her number. These characteristics may even land you a date. However, there is one trait that is often overlooked a surefire way to keep her hooked. she texted youAt the end of the day, after all these techniques to keep her hooked on you, it all boils down to availability. Based on research, availability is a person’s most attractive trait. Unfortunately, not many people notice the importance of this trait. Think about this: she texted you and asked you if you could come to her party. You said no. She called you and asked you to come over and check out the newest club in the city. You said no. She texted you and it took you more than an hour to text back. She invited you to come over to her place or help her rearrange, but you told her you have other things to do. The bottom line is if you can, make yourself available. Availability builds a connection and may lead to something else. More importantly, it makes her feel that she is important, thereby keeping that hooked feeling intact.

Last Reminders

What’s the bottom line? The science of attraction is about making someone feel important. Say goodbye to memorized conversation starters and cheesy pickup lines, because these 15 techniques will help you establish a connection and get her into you. More importantly, just relax, be yourself, and enjoy the moment. If you need back up, in the dating scene, a few drops of Nexus Pheromones will surely make you irresistible to most women and keep her hooked on you.

How to Write Romantic Text Messages – For Guys Only

How to Write Romantic Text Messages - For Guys OnlyIn early times, people used to write love letters to express their romantic feelings for their loved ones. However, the practice seems to be a disappearing art. This does not necessarily mean that people no longer communicate their feelings of love. People have now turned to expressing their feelings in text messages to the ones that they love. The means that are used might be different, but the sentiment of the romantic text messages is still the same. write love lettersWhether you are in love with someone or the secret admirer of a girl, the only thing that you need is a mobile phone and some creativity. Showing your feelings had never been easier since the advent of messages. Shoot off a text message, at any time and from anywhere, and let your loved one know that she is the one that you are thinking of. This article will talk you through all that you need to know before sending romantic messages someone in particular.

The Modern Love Letter in the Palm of Your Hand

1. Communication Through Text Messages Keeps the Flames Burning

Being romantic is one of the ways by which you can have a long lasting relationship. Do you know how to build up a strong relationship with your girlfriend? Keep reading to find out. You might be wondering why your relationship is growing distant and cold with time. It might be that you do not maintain proper communication with your partner because of your daily schedule of operation. Nonetheless, you cannot afford to take your loved one for granted. Text messages are an incredible way by which you will be able to let your loved ones know that you are thinking of them, even if you may not be able to be physically present with them. Maintaining communication with her can help you to go a long way in the relationship. With all the different types of communication devices available in the market, there is no reason for you not to tell your girlfriend how much you love and care for her. It will only take you a minute or two to send a text message. text might help your relationshipTaking out time from your busy schedule to text might help your relationship to a considerable extent. Besides, what can be more significant than expressing your love through a text message, just to brighten their day? People always crave attention and affection and thus, a loving and cute text message is capable of bringing surprising and positive results. As a matter of fact, text messages can be used not only for capturing the attention of someone you like, but also for spicing up the romance in marriage. Take advantage of text massages to ignite your love life. Simply send a text message to express your love and appreciate something that she has done for you. In fact, a romantic message might make her delighted on a stressful day.

2. Understand the Power of Simple Love Words

You will be amazed to see the power of a few simple words. There are several reasons you should be using love text messages:
  • In order to reignite the passion in a relationship that has turned out to be distant, a simple text can turn up the heat of the relationship that you share with your girlfriend or your wife.
  • You can use a romance filled text to impress the girl that you are interested in. In getting to know someone better; a friendly but flirty text messages can do the trick for you. You might just write, “Thinking of you,” and that is going to do all the work for you. This could be the start of a beautiful relationship.
  • happy relationshipTo maintain a happy relationship, it needs effort as well as good communication. It is even more imperative to maintain the communication when you have a long- distance relationship. As per the saying, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but what you tend to forgets that it also makes the relationship flounder. You can maintain a strong bond if you communicate more with your partner. It keeps you from taking her for granted.
  • Last, but not the least, you can send text messages easily and instantaneously. An appropriate love message will help you to maintain that feeling of love.

3. Keep It Unique: Be Creative

The easiest way to make your message valuable and prove yourself as the most romantic person is to send one that is fresh and unique. So, make sure that you do not send text messages that are common; chances are she might already read one such text. If you manage to keep your text message simple and unique, then you will be able to bring a smile on your loved one’s face. She will read it with interest, and will truly appreciate the effort that you have put in. Your innovative messages will make your girl that you give them importance. If you send a love text from the office, she might think that you are missing her, even when you are busy with your work. You might not have the ability to compose a poem, but this should not bother you in any way. You can prepare a romantic text with some of your own words, and thus make it unique.

4. Short and Sweet Always Grabs the Right Kind of Attention

romantic text messagesDo you like reading considerably long text messages? No, right? Neither does anybody else. Try to make your text as short as possible. If you write long romantic text messages for her, they might turn out to be annoying for her. People are always busy with their hectic schedule, and reading a long text message can prove to be exasperating for your partner. As a matter of fact, long messages can also be boring. Your girlfriend or your wife might not even feel like reading it after they see the length of the text. Make sure that you write something that will immediately grab her attention. Make sure that it is not elaborate or sappy and does not overwhelm her. Short messages will help make her curious. Your primary goal should be to make her feel loved and make her focus on you. You need to keep the text going back and forth constantly. If you are texting back and forth, then use necessary words that will entice her with your charm.

5. Avoid Being Complicated: Let Your Vocabulary Go on a Vacation

You should write sweet text messages. Avoid making them too complicated. Make sure that you use a language that is simple and easy for her to understand. Don’t make her open a dictionary or ask another person, in order to understand the text. This is not some literary stuff and does not need to be of high quality. Thus, you can let your excellent vocabulary go for a toss. If you are a simple man who harbors simple thoughts, then that is exactly what your message should be reflecting. On the other hand, if you are artistic and intellectual, then you can show exactly that in your text. You should not at all try to be someone you are not. In fact, it will help you if you state your feelings in your own words. Expressing all that you have in mind is all that matters.

6. Laughter is the Way to a Woman’s Heart

You must know if you are able to make her laugh, you will be able to make her love you. This is no joke. The sense of humor in men is the most vital quality appreciated by women. smile on her faceYou will be able to make her love you more if you can get a smile on her face. Keeping her happy and smiling is significant to win her love. And, by sending a witty comment through a text message can help you achieve that. However, make certain that you do not use too many jokes, especially if it someone you have just met. A fine line exists between being humorous and looking like a fool. Do not experiment with too many puns and sarcasm. But, if you have already managed to make her laugh with the texts then send some more similar gags. Also, make sure that the jokes that you are sending are not too silly. It might ruin the reputation that you have created and make her think that you are dumb and an imbecile. If it is just the starting of a relationship, then you need to be even more careful with your gags.

7. Send Text Messages at a Proper Time

The timing of your text is a crucial factor that needs to be looked into when you send romantic messages to a girl. You should avoid texting her when she is busy. If you text when she is busy then you might fail to grab her attention. Even if she replies, the chances are she might not have felt the lovely and romantic message conveyed through your text. [adsanity id=”49837″ align=”aligncenter” /]The most appropriate time to text a girl is in the evening. This is the time when she might be free from all her office work and daily chores. However, if you find out that the girl likes texting you during the night, you have already got the edge that you require. Start off by texting late in the evening and keep on texting until the time she falls asleep. There is something romantic about a calm and serene night, and it is surely going to work in your favor. It is going to make you win her over.

8. Your Creativity Will Make You More Special

gain a special place in your girl’s heartCreativity can help you to gain a special place in your girl’s heart. Make her anticipate about the things that you are trying to convey. If you are creative, you will be able to impress her. Avoid using a clichéd line for it might make a woman think that you are just being cheesy. This might eventually annoy her. Thus, the entire effort that you had put in to build an impression will be lost. Show her you love her, but in a creative way.

9. Beware: Excessive Texting Lowers Attraction

This is one of the common mistakes most men make. Make sure that you do not blow up her phone with your texts. Instead of making you look romantic, it will only make you look unattractive. If you want the girl to chase you, make sure that you do not over text. You should not send romantic quotes one after the other without her replying. If you go on texting even when you are not getting an answer, keep in mind that you are text messages are going to a folder named ‘desperate’. Do not panic if a few hours have passed without your girlfriend’s reply. Have patience and wait for her reply. When you will not message her, she will definitely become curious and will send you the reply. Hang on; there is more to it. Keep reading if you have to master your skills at writing romantic text messages.

10. Refresh Your Sweet Past Memories With Your Romantic Text Messages

romanticism in your textsHere is a simple trick which will help you to win her over. Relive your past memories. You can text about an incident from the past, but make sure the incident is a pleasant memory for both of you. If you end up talking about an incident that had a few bitter memories attached to it, then it can have an adverse effect on the relationship. You can talk about some special memories that both of you have enjoyed in the past. Choose the ones that she doesn’t expect you to remember. This way you will be able to keep an element of surprise as well as romanticism in your texts. Talk about her role in making that particular incident memorable for you. Also, tell her what was specifically special about it.

11. Build Up Chemistry Romantically: Teasing Should Be Pleasing

If you are looking for a way to get her into beloved heart and soul then romantic teasing is the answer for you. Teasing can help you to build a strong and interesting relationship with your partner. Here are tips that you need to follow before you send a teasing text:
  • Wait for the right moment before you send a teasing text to your lady. For instance, when she is complimenting herself or making good comments about something that she has done, you can use this information later on a lighter note to tease her.
  • Don’t send her tease texts constantly. Mix it up with more significant or meaningful talk. Pay attention and do not make fun of her when she’s texting you something serious. As you get to know her, tease less but never stop completely.

12. Be a Little Naughty with Your Texts

I miss you text messagesKeep in mind that women love it when men aren’t afraid of being a little naughty with their texts. Of course, it should not cross the limits, especially when you are new to each other. Send flirtatious messages whenever you get an opportunity. You can send her what they call “I miss you text messages.” Or, you can simply text her saying that you just stepped out of your shower, “I am looking for sex toys online” or “What are you wearing right now?” Think of some sexual topic, but make sure that it is humorous and light. If not, then she might just take your feeble pick-up attempts. However, make sure that you do not flirt in each and every text that you are sending.

13. Use Emojis to Spice it Up

Communication is the foundation of a good relationship, but there is nothing wrong if you plan to spice it up by adding a little amount of mystery. Sexy texts are good, but it is much spicier if you have a text with a hidden message to decipher. Emojis might just help you to do that. This way you will be able to:
  • Share a dirty little secret with your partner.
  • Play a mysterious little game with your partner.
However, make sure that you do not overuse the emojis as it will only make you look silly and uneducated. These can spark your sex life, but only when you use them in moderation.

14. Don’t Get Stuck in the Texting Game: Be Valuable to Others

woman wants you to be successfulIf you are eagerly staring at your phone, waiting for her to reply or spending more than two seconds to frame a response to her texts, you’re doing it wrong. Focus on the things that make you more appreciated by others. Your being a responsive conversationalist will not always help. The truth is that your lady is neither expecting you nor wanting you to text her all day. She wants an ambitious man. She wants a man with a drive, one who is pursuing something big.  If your woman wants you to be successful in life, she will understand you. So, do not respond immediately to her texts. This might make you look unattractive. This makes you look like you do not have any other work, but to text her. So wait for some time after she has texted you.

15. Dragging a Topic Out Can Dampen the Relationship

When you text about a particularly interesting topic, make sure that you do not drag it out. If you drag a topic out for a long period of time, it is sure to get boring. Even if the topic is extremely romantic and has spurred up the spice meter, yet you should talk about it only to a certain extent. If you talk about it continuously:
  • It can make the conversation repetitive and boring.
  • The chemistry that had just started to build up with the help of the topic might just die down for the same reason.
  • Talking continuously about it might stop making sense.

16. Toss the Red Pen: Stop Being a Grammar Nazi

best not to make her angryWhen you are sharing a romantic textual exchange with your partner, make sure that you do not look for grammatical errors that your partner is making. This might prove to be a hindrance to the entire flow of the text. As a matter of fact, it might destroy the mood that you both have set by your previous texts. Short forms are acceptable, and it is best not to make her angry by correcting her.

17. Using Your Mother Tongue Gets the Ball in Your Court

When you share a common mother tongue with your girlfriend or wife, you can make use of it while exchanging romantic texts. This helps in making the exchanges spicier. Using your mother tongue can also help you to express your feelings much clearer than you could have by using any other language. Remember that romance has a lot to do with the language that you are using.

18. Attach a Picture to Your Text

At times, a simple romantic message might be too boring. Have you ever thought of sending a romantic picture along with the text? Believe it or not, a picture might make a profound impression on your beloved. Sometimes, a simple and cute picture is enough to convey the feelings that you are experiencing. In fact, it might even help her to smile if she is in a foul mood or angry with you for some reason.

19. Give Her an Opportunity to Respond

Give Her an Opportunity to RespondRomantic conversations are just like plants, you need to water them to make them survive. This means that you need to give the girl something to respond to. If not, then the romantic conversation will naturally die out. Avoid sending uninteresting replies to something she has asked. Single word texts are text killers. Try to come up with new topics to keep the conversations flowing.

20. Serious Texts Can Suffocate Romantic Feelings

Avoid starting serious conversations through text messages, unless it is urgent. If there is something that bothers you, talk face to face with your lady. Remember, texting serious matters can sometimes create misunderstandings. Follow these guidelines to help you send romantic text messages to your woman. If the woman you adore isn’t replying to you after numerous endeavors, then it might be time to forget about her and move on. Don’t get yourself labeled as desperate, just to get a single reply from this lady. Find someone else and try your luck with this new girl

Make Her Fall In Love With You With a Love Scent (Revealed)

Make Her Fall In Love With You With a Love Scent (Revealed)There are various ways you can make a woman fall in love with you. It could be because of your looks, muscles or bulk in the right places. It could also be your personality, confidence and even a good sense of humor. Surely, you have one of these choices, which you can use to your advantage. Let me tell you something about women, love and relationships. Did you know that how you smell could play a crucial role in the game of attraction? Say hello to the world of the love scent and find out how you can make her fall in love with you using her sense of smell. Remember, a nice scent can attract her, but it will take much more than that to keep her happy. For this reason, towards the end of the article, you will find out an important tip you should remember, not just about scent but also in relationships in general.

1. The Power of Scent: Understanding How Your Sense of Smell Works

perfumeThere are five important senses – sight, touch, hear, taste and smell. Among these five senses, the sense of smell is often neglected. Did you know that this could be a powerful tool, as well, especially if you are trying to get someone fall for you? But first, it is important to understand how the sense of smell works. Everything you smell, whether it is your perfume, bread from the bakery, your partner’s favorite dish, and even the garbage, gives off molecules. Thereafter, here’s what happens:
  • These molecules make their way to and float through the air into your nose.
  • Molecules bind with cilia or the hair-like projections that increase the surface area in your nose.
  • Once it binds with cilia, they trigger the specialized olfactory receptor neurons lining the nose, process it, and cause you to perceive a smell. These olfactory receptors come in hundreds and encoded by a specific gene.

2. Understanding the Role of Your Body Odor in the Dating and Relationship Game

It may not be the most attractive aspect, but the truth is, your body odor could elicit a range of emotions from disgust to something positive. It could even trigger memories and stimulate your senses, which could be useful in the dating arena. In other words, your odor contains natural chemical scents that will help you communicate with others who are nearby. Here is the surprising part: you have a specific and unique scent that could influence a woman’s sexual orientation. She may not notice it but subconsciously, this scent could determine the course of the relationship and how long you two will be interested in being with each other.

3. Decoding a Woman’s Sense of Smell to Make It Work for You

datingLet’s face it: women are complicated creatures. It is hard to decode them and one missed step could spell a lot of difference in the dating game. Despite the differences in women, one thing is for sure: their sense of smell could still be the key in making her fall for you. According to a study conducted in University of Southern California, women who are at their peak fertility like the smell of men who are oozing with testosterone. In fact, ovulation played a major role in determining their mating preferences. What does this mean? When women are fertile, they look for more masculine traits like a rugged, manly face or deep voice. In fact, in the said study, women are able to identify which men have higher testosterone simply by taking a whiff at the shirts. The female participants were able to do so and identify when they were ovulating. Still, this is a controversial research area and experts acknowledged the inconsistencies in a few studies. Whether these chemicals signal masculine quantities and how women are able to identify these manly qualities still remains a mystery. The bottom line is take advantage of her weakness during her mid-cycle when she is ovulating. The more you appear manly, the better it will be for you to boost your chances.

4. Getting Up Close and Personal With Pheromones

pheromonesLet’s get down to business and understand what this “love scent” is all about. Sometime in 1953, experts discovered the first pheromone secreted by female moths to attract male moths. Experts found out that these pheromones are chemicals produced by an animal and sent to another animal to trigger changes in the behavior such as:
  • Sexual Arousal
  • Sounding an Alarm
  • Respecting One’s Territory
  • Following a Food Trail
  • A Signal to Back Off
Since then, there was an ongoing quest to check if humans have it too and with numerous studies to prove it. There are four major types of pheromones:
  • Primer – Alters your hormone levels and could influence the reproduction or development physiology. However, primer pheromones may take longer to respond.
  • Releaser – Usually linked to sexual attraction since the response is rapid and reliable.
  • Signaler – Provides information like a mother recognizing her newborn.
  • Modulator –Usually found in sweat and either alters or synchronizes bodily functions.
What do these pheromones could do? The succeeding sections will explain further.

5. Understanding the Purpose of Pheromones in the World of Relationships

HappinessLet me tell you another secret about pheromones: your skin, sweat, saliva and even urine excrete pheromones that signal desire, sexual readiness, fertility and deep emotions. You are able to release up to four times more pheromones compared to women. What can pheromones do? This could elicit the following responses:
  • Happiness and optimism.
  • Empowerment and a boost in confidence.
  • Lesser stress and anxiety.
  • Increase in the sense of well-being.
  • Sense of ease and relaxation in social situations.
  • Revved up sex life.
In other words, your odor contains chemicals that could affect some women in surprising ways.

6. Love at First Sniff: Finding Your Match Through Your Odor

Yes, you read that right. It may sound incredible but there are studies, research findings, and experiments that prove the connection between odor and relationships. In what way, you might ask. A study in the American Journal of Political Science revealed that natural body odor could be a sign of compatibility for potential partners. This is because body odor is influenced by Major Histocompatibility Complex or MHC molecules. MHC molecules are genetically determined and linked to your immune system, which helps you determine who you are compatible with. Does this mean you should look for someone with the same MHC molecules makeup? The answer is no. It turns out that you tend to be drawn to someone whose MHC composition is different from yours. This way, the immune system of your future offspring could cover as many diseases as possible. Based on a study, women prefer T-shirts of men whose MHC composition is different from theirs. Let’s say you already found your partner and it turned out that you have different sets of MHC composition. How can you make your favorite pheromone like Androtics work to your advantage? Read the next section to find out.

7. Establishing a Deeper Connection Through Your Sense of Smell

Finding your mate is not the only purpose of utilizing your sense of smell. In case you found her, you can still use your scent to make sure that she remains in love with you. The question is, how? [adsanity id=”49837″ align=”aligncenter” /]Based on a study, if a woman is not in love, she can recognize the unique scent of her main squeeze, guy friends and female friends. Otherwise, her ability to recognize her friend’s unique scents decreases or is impaired. In other words, the more attached a woman is to you, the less she will be able to identify the scent of other men who might be considered as potential suitors. This means her sense of smell is only focused on you, which is a good thing. Still, this doesn’t mean you should stop doing things for your girl just because her ability to smell other men is limited. Keep in mind that there are tons of men out there who might be interested and steal her sense of scent. If you want to maintain some sweetness in your life, then here are suggestions:
  • sensual massageDo daily things that will make her fall in love with you all over again. It would be giving her a sensual massage, eating in her favorite restaurant, or watching rom-com movies with her in your PJs.
  • Be honest about everything. Keep communication lines open at all times.
  • Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability or soft side. She will surely love it and send her an idea that you trust her.
  • Listen to her. At all times, no matter how uninterested you are.
  • Shower her with little things that will make her happy. Most of the time, it’s the little things that count.

8. Good or Bad: The Effect of External Products to Your Scent

Admit it. You are conscious of your smell. After all, you want to make sure that you have your best foot forward – and this includes smelling good for your girl. By smelling good, this means proper hygiene, the use of deodorant, and spraying cologne or perfume before heading out on the date. Here’s the catch: it could affect your natural scent, which is surprisingly what women are looking for. take a bathThe more you use soaps, deodorants, colognes or perfumes, the more you mask your natural smell, which is not what you are aiming for. Consequently, colognes and perfumes smell differently on everyone and may or may not trigger arousal. Does this mean you should stop using perfumes and soaps? Not really. Keep in mind that hygiene is still an important aspect in establishing a relationship. Refusing to take a bath in the hope of preserving your natural scent may lead to a certain smell that could tick her off. The next section will tell you how you can make love scent as the game changer in the dating scene without giving up your hygiene.

9. Tips to Remember In Choosing the Right Type of Pheromones

There are tons of products that promise to do certain things in the dating field. To make sure you got the right pheromone according to your needs, here’s what you can do:
  • Know your pheromones. Pheromones come in different kinds, such as androstenone and androsterone. Do your research to help you identify which type of pheromone will work best according to your needs.
  • Choose a scent based on your style. You can try scented pheromones according to your own preference; however, if you still want to maintain and wear your favorite perfume, go for the unscented ones.
  • Always read customer reviews. Customer feedback is review from customers slash real people. Take time to read those reviews because they will give you an idea on how pheromones work, plus tips on how you can maximize their benefits.
  • money back guaranteeCheck for money back guarantee. You will never know if a product works until you try. To make sure your money won’t go into waste, go for pheromone products with a money back guarantee. This way, you can get your money back or look for a replacement in a case a particular scent did not work.
  • Don’t forget the value of money. Expensive products don’t always mean it is the best while inexpensive ones don’t often equate to poor quality. Compare the prices of pheromones and see which will work best according to your budget without compromising the results.

10. A Man’s Guide: Utilizing Love Scent and Make Her Fall for You

Now you know that a woman’s sense of smell and scent in general could pull the trigger in the dating game. Here is the big question: what is the proper way of using love scent to make sure that you will get desirable results? Here is the proper way of using a love scent:
  • Mix pheromones with your favorite cologne or perfume, although make sure to keep the pheromones unscented.
  • Start by applying pheromones in normal perfume spots – behind the ears, throat, wrists, and chest.
  • If exposed, spray pheromones on your elbows and knees, as well.
  • apply your love perfumeYou can apply your love perfume both on your skin and clothing. However, if you want long lasting results, stick to your clothing, since pheromones on your skin get washed when you sweat. It could easily be broken down by bacteria on your skin.
Pheromones will last six to 10 hours if applied on clothing and four hours if you spray it on your skin. There will still be few effective amounts of pheromone present on your skin even after the optimum working time, which could still be useful. Nonetheless, rinse the pheromones to prevent buildup, which you will learn more about in the succeeding paragraph.

11. Using Love Scents on Women: Avoiding the Dreaded Pheromone Buildup

Let’s say you successfully made her fall for you because pheromones are in their right places. Congratulations. Still, this doesn’t mean you are safe and good to go for the rest of your life. Apparently, there is a situation called pheromone buildup and you don’t want that to happen. What is pheromone buildup? Pheromone buildup happens when your skin absorbs too much pheromone content from your regular use over a period of time. Instead of working to your advantage, your favorite love scent like Androtics Directstarts to emit a scent that adversely affects your reactions. Signs of pheromone buildup are:
  • You had good reactions at first, but after some time, there was a significant drop in the effectiveness of the love perfume.
  • There was minimal reaction during heavy application, but favorable and better reactions on days when you don’t apply.
Can you prevent this? Of course. The next section will tell you how.

12. Stop Pheromone Buildup: Preventive Tips You Should Know by Heart

woman fall in loveA lot has been said about a man’s love scent and how it could make a woman fall in love. Unfortunately, there will come a time when your favorite love scent will fail you – and you don’t want that to happen. Therefore, here are tips to prevent pheromone buildup from happening:
  • Do not apply your love scent directly on your skin. If you want to last it longer, apply it on your clothing instead.
  • In case you have applied a few drops on certain skin application points, make sure to wash it off thoroughly towards the end of the day.
Aside from these pheromone buildup tips, read the next section to know how you can maximize love scent.

13. Last Reminders: Maximizing Pheromones to Your Advantage

You already know what pheromones can do and how to use it properly in order to make her fall for you. Apparently, it is not enough that you know where the right places are when spraying it. There are basic guidelines you need to remember to make sure that love perfume will work to your advantage. Here they are:
  • Love scents are for external use only and should never be eaten or ingested.
  • Read the label and follow instructions or special application rules to make sure you achieve the desired effects.
  • Make sure you use the right kind of pheromones to maximize its effect and attain the desired reaction from women.
  • Go for cool love pheromone products that will emphasize your masculinity, approach ability, friendliness and confidence. In other words, choose a scent that will make you attract women.
  • Do your homework before buying any love scent. Check out a love scent forum and read love scent reviews to give you an idea what type of pheromones is best for you.
  • Always test the product first and watch out for any adverse reactions.
  • The minimum pheromone concentration should be 0.015 percent to help you achieve desirable results.

14. Price Tag: Where to Buy Love Perfume For Inside the Bedroom

buy onlineAdmit it. You scrolled down because you want to know where you can buy pheromones. The good news is love scents are easily available to you, regardless of where you are from, thanks to the internet. You can get your supply in drug stores and choose which one to get. If you don’t have time to go through actual stores, you can always buy online, preferably in legitimate websites. You might be wondering how much a bottle of pheromone costs. A bottle of pheromones may cost as low as $5, up to a maximum of $80 depending on the size and brand. There are also mid-range products, like Love Scent A1. Before you buy, ask if there are sample products you can use,or buy the smallest bottle size before you decide and commit on a specific product. Otherwise, check if there is money back guarantee feature to allow you to return the product in case it didn’t work. If you have love scent coupons, go ahead and use them, since it allows you to save cash, too.

15. What You Should Remember When It Comes to a Love Scent

You know how your nose works, the effect of scent in keeping women excited, what pheromones are, and tips on how to make it work to your advantage. Apparently, it doesn’t end there. Are you ready to find out what this important tip is? Keep your expectations realistic. Pheromones could work – and there are various accounts to prove that. Still, don’t expect a sudden flow of women going towards your direction and ripping your clothes off just like what you see in commercials. It does not and will never work that way. attract a girlThe bottom line is to be realistic with your expectations on the effects of pheromones. There will always be a possibility that this might either work or not. In case it did work, congratulations. Remember the tips to avoid buildup. Check any love scent forum, and you’ll read the stories on preventing buildup. There are various ways you can still attract a girl and make her fall for you even without the help of pheromones. It’s also about attitude, personality, and making yourself look approachable and friendly. Given this information, it is safe to say that how you smell could play a crucial role in attracting women. Therefore, take extra effort not just to look good and smart, but also to smell nice and attractive. Here’s the thing: this doesn’t mean you should rely on pheromones alone. Your favorite love scent could do the trick in getting women. However, don’t forget to incorporate your personality and a bit of humor to make her fall in love with you. At the end of the day, it’s also about developing connection towards each other, and your scent is just one component.