Want to get lucky? Here’s how to do it. Thank you Nexus Pheromones!
You got her number. That’s the cool news. Now biology is a-callin’. You feel that strong desire to go forth and procreate. And now, dear friend, you need a seduction guide to take things to the next level.
Let’s clarify a few things before we go further. This is a seduction guide – not a pick up article. You need to have a girl before you can seduce her. This article assumes you already know how to start a conversation with a girl and got her number.
If you don’t have a girl in mind at the moment, go back and read that article.
Now, let’s chat. You’ve got the girl and feel that undeniable urge to do your part. Grab your Nexus Pheromones and take notes. This seduction guide can help take you to a beautiful place.
Ask Her Out
This seduction guide starts with a call or text. You’ve got to ask her out first to seduce her.
Resist the urge to get fancy here – a survey of a thousand women found ladies don’t like gimmicks when it comes to male invitations. Just be blunt and call it a date. This sets the tone for things to come and can make it easier to transition to sexual activity. Don’t be a player or try to be a cocky stud.
You’re a guy interested in a girl. Let her know that and ask her out on a date.
Recovery Mode: Did she say she has “other plans”? Relax – about half of women who say this aren’t blowing you off, they actually have other plans. If she makes excuses why she can’t do something, she’s not into you. But, if likes you, she’ll suggest another night, or an idea of her own.
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Make the Transition
Here’s where some guys blow it. Let’s not BS here, you both know what you’re thinking. However, you’ll have to work for it. Before you ask her directly back to your place after a successful date, make light physical contact first. Graze her hand or rest your palm on the small of her back. She should be receptive and give you light physical contact in return within five minutes.
Recovery Mode: We’re still in the early stages of this seduction guide. That means if she’s not receptive just yet, it’s not a disaster. Just laugh it off and continue the date with good conversation. Don’t dwell on your fumble.
Bring Her Home
OK, so you’ve had a good date and she’s given you light physical contact. It’s time to put your chips on the table. You’ve got two ways to ask her back to your house. Some women will tell you to go with the first option: to ask her back to your place for a drink. Other dating experts, including famed pick up artist Neil Strauss prefer to suggest inviting her home to show here something, like pictures of your vacation or a limited edition print of your favorite 70s band.
It can’t hurt to try both approaches. In either case, look for subtle signs of attraction, like if she holds out her hand after dinner as you walk to your car. If you’re uncertain whether it’s too early to ask her back to your house, suggest a drink in a neutral location, like a tapas bar.
Recovery Mode: If she won’t come back to your house, end the date on a good note. Wait a few days, ask her on another date and try again.
Clean Your House

Don’t expect to get lucky with a dirty house.. Make sure it’s clean before you bring a lady over – especially your bathroom!
Much, if not most of your work is done if she’s at your house. But there are still a few hurdles you’ll need to overcome, and a filthy bathroom is one of them. Clean it up – even if you only have five minutes to do it. Also, make your place look warm and inviting. Point to pictures of your travels and family and friends. They’re good conversation starters, and bring out the ‘connected and much-loved’ guy you are rather than Christian Bale in American Psycho.
There’s one caveat to this: get your Mom’s picture out of your bedroom. You’re aiming for warm and friendly – not a Mama’s boy.
Recovery Mode: Don’t let your bedroom look like a brothel. Lose the rose petals and seduction scents for a single candle. Clean – not cocky.
Set the Mood
You’re in a very good position if she’s at your house and it doesn’t look like a dog’s breakfast. Before you escalate things though, relax and chat for a bit. Don’t kiss her the moment you walk through the door. Instead, treat her like a guest – offer her a drink and turn on some light music.
Transition the date vibes to a ‘natural hook-up’. The Shins, Coldplay, U2 or even a chickflick can help set the mood.
Recovery Mode: Most of your work is done at this stage. Your job now is to create a light vibe with a hint of seduction.
Watch Her Body
By this point you should be watching her body. They should be synced – one warning sign is if she tries to chatter and desperately fill in silences. You need to sync your bodies. If she’s seated, ask her to help you mix a drink. You’re trying to bring her upright and close to you.
If and when you’re synced and ready, give her a kiss that’s short and sweet. Then, kiss gently around her mouth, face and ears. If she increases the intensity, it’s time to play.

Watch her body language and look for reasons to come closer.
Recovery Mode: If you pick the wrong time to kiss her, say something like “Sorry, that probably wasn’t the best time to maul you”. Many women will give you another shot if the first attempt doesn’t fly.
Match Her Intensity
Don’t assume that because you’re playing, she’s ready to hit the sheets. The girl is your mirror – look for invitations, like more forceful kisses and stronger caresses. Put your hands around her hips or breasts. Now gauge here reaction; if she tenses up, tone things down a bit. If she coos, hug the curves.
If it’s the latter reaction, raise the intensity a little more. Now you’re good. Take her hand and lead her to the bedroom.
Recovery Mode: Move to the next step.
Skip the Foreplay Massage
You both know it’s on once you’re in the bedroom. But skip the massage for foreplay. It’s cheesy, say many women, and the same goes for rose petals. Instead, spend at least 10 minutes kissing and caressing her while she still has her clothes on. Then, rub her body through the fabric and lightly graze your fingers along her breasts and thighs.
It’s all in anticipation of things to come.
Recovery Mode: Remember not to skip this step. The more you build her up, the more passionate the act will become.
A Slow Disrobe
This is another opportunity to add passion to the moment. If she takes all her clothes off and you’ve yet to disrobe, she’s suddenly naked and feels vulnerable. Slow it down a little. Undress her with your hands, then tease the less obvious parts of her body with your lips and tongue.
Do this to her neck, abdomen and inner thighs. Tease her – and move to her sensitive spots last.
Recovery Mode: Don’t stress too much if things get so intense that she halts the ‘southern’ march of your hands and lips. Just regroup and turn down the intensity. Go back to kissing and caressing and try again – more slowly this time.
Do the Missionary Position (The First Time)
Most women aren’t looking for a freak show in the sack the first time you make love. Generally speaking, they’re looking for intimacy. A great way to do this is with the missionary position. Establish lots of good eye contact. Pause to breathe and convey your pleasure to her. Vary your rhythm with her response.
It’s all about that sexy connection – and it increases the chance there will be a repeat performance.
Recovery Mode: You’re reached the holy grail once you’re inside, but be sure to read her responses to everything you do. Your body should be completely in sync with hers. Resist the urge to talk during sex. Look for signs of arousal instead, like groans or faster and more forceful movements. They’re all signs you’ve hit the spot.

If you want to see her again, make sure you call her the day of the morning after.
The Morning After
You got in. That’s great! But no seduction guide is complete without your strategy for the sometimes-awkward morning after.
Here’s your strategy: tell her you want to see her again. Better yet, agree on a specific time for your next date. This tells her the connection you made was real for both of you beyond the physical enjoyment. Don’t say “I’ll call you later”, which is parlance for “See ya!”. Call her that afternoon – women equate how long it takes you to call with your interest.
The sooner you call, the more sparks will fly.
Recovery Mode: If your departure was lukewarm, you’ve got a one hour window to recover. Call her quick and book a repeat date.
Nexus Pheromones May Boost Your Odds
You’ve heard of pheromones before. They’re bio-chemical secretions that organisms emit to announce their presence to others in their environment.
And why should it be part of any seduction guide that has a shot at success?
Pheromones are deeply connected to scent, and are processed by the ‘female mating center;’ within the brain. Call it a primordial instinct – pheromones bypass the ‘rational’ side of the female brain and instantly tell here you’re there and you’re real.
The cool part is that you can use pheromones to tell her you’re an alpha male and her perfect mate. Enter Nexus Pheromones – 7 pheromones linked to ‘tall, dark and handsome’ – that give you a leg up on the competition and tell her brain she wants to mate with you.
Nexus Pheromones alone won’t seal the deal. You’ve got to put the work in first, with the tips we’ve discussed in this seduction guide. They’re designed to give you an advantage, over other guys and one on one when you’re with her.
Add them to your seduction tool kit. Then, get out there and practice. Revisit this seduction guide as needed, and do your part to go forth and have a little fun!