It is of common knowledge that animals can communicate through chemical signals called pheromones. After all, animals don’t talk like humans do, right? Hence, the pheromones are their nonverbal way to send signals through the air in relation to mating or defending a territory. Since then, experts have become curious at to whether humans have these, too.
Based on the research and various experiments, humans also have pheromones. In fact, they play a vital role in everyone’s lives, such as triggering sexual attraction, or do they? Learn about sex pheromones and find out what they can do for your sex life.A Closer Look On Human Pheromones
In humans, pheromones are chemical messengers that the body releases through the form of sweat and urine. The nose’s vomeronasal organ (VNO) detects these chemicals, which can physically, emotionally, and behaviourally affect another member of the same species. There are four classes of pheromones we recognize today. These are:Repellants or territorial marker pheromones that send signals to other species to tell them to keep away.
- Bonding pheromones, as with mothers and their babies. This is a result of breast excretions, and contact with baby’s skin.
- Synchronizing pheromones that affect the fertility cycles of a group of women in close proximity. An example of this is office workers who menstruate at the same time of the month.
- Sex pheromones that promote sexual attractiveness of the wearer and trigger romantic attention from the opposite sex.
Sex Pheromones: Are They A Vital Factor In Your Sex Life?
There have been many debates about how human sex pheromones affect your sex life. One of the most notable studies in this department is the study conducted by biologist and behavioral endocrinologist, Dr. Winifred Cutler. She and her team of researchers found out that beneath the underarm sweat are odorless materials that contain pheromones [adsanity id=”49837″ align=”aligncenter” /]Dr. Cutler also found out those women who have sex regularly have more regular menstrual cycles than women who have infrequent sex. She and her team later realized that it was a man’s pheromones that causes the delay of the decline of estrogen, and also making women more fertile. Aside from this, Martha McClintock of the University of Chicago also conducted an experiment on the effects of pheromones and menstrual synchronization. She found out that women who live near other women adjust the menstrual cycle timing to each other due to the chemical messages released in their sweat. This explains why, in a house full of women, the first day of the cycle is almost the same, or at least one to two days apart.
Can Sexual Pheromones Make You More Attractive?
Pheromones can turn on certain areas in your brain that control your mood, hormones and sexual behaviour. Does this mean sex pheromones can make you more attractive? The answer is it depends. Again, the experts all agree that pheromones can produce changes in one’s behaviour and emotions. However, there are factors that can destroy their natural production. You might notice that you have a distinct smell when you don’t take a shower, which can either be pleasant or not for you. However, this scent, which is your natural scent smells like when not masked of by soap, detergent and perfume.