Falling in love is a natural phenomenon. Everybody falls in love at sometime in their lives. For some people, the feeling of loving someone comes rather naturally, while others yearn to fall in love. For guys, it is a special moment when they finally get the girl who seems to come right out of their dreams.
Remember, it is not easy and takes a lot of patience to impress someone these days. A single wrong move could spoil all your efforts and dedication. The secret is to be truthful and be yourself. In this article, you will learn more about romance and other tips to help you impress the lady love of your life.
1. Smell Nice, Look Nice: Always Be Fresh and Groomed
Most women take time to keep themselves groomed every day. Women remain fresh and well-presented and they expect men to be the same. You might have noticed that attractive women lounge around with attractive men. This is because women appreciate men who take time out from their hectic schedules to keep themselves presentable.
If you want to stand out from all the other guys in the crowd, you should keep yourself clean and healthy. Even people at the office or at school don’t like guys who are shabby and untidy. Show you have respect for yourself and for others by maintaining your attractive appearance.
By being attractive, it does not imply that you have to take daily visits to the gym and drink glasses of bodybuilding shakes. Once in a while, you can consider visiting a gym to maintain your health and get rid of your protruding belly. There are other health benefits of exercise. Increased exercise and physical activity generate happy hormones and boost your confidence level.
When you dress carefully and look good, you build a certain confidence in yourself, which allows you to be your best.
2. How to Groom Yourself?
You might have been successful in getting across to the girl of your dream through social media networking, but if you want your love life to really work out, you have to meet the lady in person. It is vital that you take care of simple self-grooming tips, so that your appearance does not shock your girl when you meet her in person. Always be prepared.
- Bathe and Keep Clean: Men sweat more often when compared to women, and therefore it is essential to take a bath daily to prevent body odor. Wear fresh clothes. Use an antiperspirant when you are going out on a sunny day to prevent any embarrassing moments.
- Check your Appearance:If you look good, you’ll feel more confident, so bad breath, stained clothes or balding may bother you. If this is the case, there are things you can do to change things like this. Visit the dentist, buy new clothes and look into treatments that work for baldness in men.
- Wear the Proper Clothing: Try to wear clothing that suits your personality. Your clothing speaks your character. Never wear shabby clothes or adopt styles that are rather odd which will make you seem like a person with a weird fashion sense.
3. Understand Her Body Language and React Accordingly
When you interact with a person, their conscious or subconscious body language signals give an idea of their feelings. A shy smile can be a sign of welcome. There are also other signals that your woman can give when you are around her. So, do keep a watch on such signals. If you think your woman is interested in you, you can proceed to impress her. A few signals from women which you should keep an eye out for
- They will try to have frequent eye contact with you.
- They will listen to you patiently.
- They will be in a relaxed and comfortable position around you.
- They will engage in deep conversation with you.
There are also some definitive signs of attraction. So, by keeping a close watch on these, you can know when and what to make the next move.
- They blush constantly and dilate their pupils in excitement every now and then.
- They lean onto your side or move an obstruction that created a barrier between you.
- They lick their lips and reciprocate your moves.
- They voluntarily or involuntarily touch you subtly.
[adsanity id=”49837″ align=”aligncenter” /]Note: These are not the definite signs for you to pounce upon her. There is still more to notice before you take your next step.
4. All About Romance: Ways To Express Your Attraction To Your Woman
When you sense her positive response, it’s time for you to show your level of attraction. Here is how you can leave those subtle signals to keep her guessing:
- Keep a constant eye contact when talking to her.
- Smile passionately and make her feel special.
- Show gestures of interest, like tilting your head towards her.
- Get closer to her by pulling your chair next to her.
Note: If you think, things are not working as you have planned take help of a Nexus Pheromones spray for men to attract the women. This product will work its magic on your aura and make you irresistible. The best thing is that this product is made of natural ingredients, so they are harmless to use.
5. Keep The Conversation Going: Keep It Simple
During the first few meetings with your girl, you may find it difficult to keep the conversation flowing. There may be uncomfortable pauses during the meeting that can dampen the excitement level.
Another main difficulty is to use the pickup line to get the conversation started. You might have thought of several pickup lines before the meeting, but when the meeting truly happens you may forget them. In such situations, the simple rule is to be honest.
Do not become over-excited or talk about disdainful topics like money, finance and politics. Initiate the conversation and let the conversation move in its own direction. Concentrate on the place, on the nice day and profession. Or, you may pamper her by showering her with compliments.
Every woman likes to get compliments. This does not mean that you have to say that she looks beautiful or gorgeous every time. Nowadays, empowered women love to get compliments on their personality rather than their looks.
When you compliment them, they will also try to make the meeting memorable and come up with interesting topics. However, don’t make yourself look desperate. Know when you are overdoing with compliments.
6. Start With a Gentle and Natural Touch
If you are able to make a right and gentle touch, it can spark up the relationship between you. Here is how to do this.
- Don’t make your touch obvious. Touch your woman when she has sent you positive love signals.
- Make sure the touch is gentle and just a brush. If in case, your woman throws a nasty frown, immediately apologies and be a gentleman.
- Do not seem creepy by wanting to touch the girl desperately.
7. Be Real: Show Her Your Lovable Qualities
Women usually fall in love with a man whom they appreciate. And to get her love, you have to show her that you have those lovable qualities that every woman wants in her guy. Science has proven that a higher percentage of women are attracted to lovable qualities of men rather than their physical looks. This is the time to highlight your personality and this is how:
- Be honest, kind and humble. With these qualities, there is a high chance that she will notice you soon. Even her friends may let her know about your qualities.
- Build your sense of humor: Women love jovial men who can make them at ease. So, you should better have a couple of good quick-witted jokes at hand to lighten your woman’s mood.
- Be fun-loving and enjoy life. Most women do not like aggressive and uptight men.
8. Find Ways to Impress Her: Reach Out to Your Love
The perfect way to impress your girl is to remember her birthday and make it special by surprising her with your lovable wish. This is the sure shot way to get into any woman’s heart. Other several things that you can do to win her heart are:
- Come up with some interesting questions through conversation to know more about her.
- Learn her fears and qualms. Try to help her to overcome them.
- Understand her thoughts and beliefs and respect them.
9. Spend Time Doing What She Loves to Do
There is a certain kind of psychological connection that evokes when you do something with her which she likes to do. This connection automatically creates a positive impression about you in her subconscious mind and she will start to have a feel-good experience in your presence.
Find out what she likes though conversation or ask her friends. Make a plan to work it out with her. It can be watching her favorite all about romance Korean drama or spending an evening in an art exhibition. It can also be her favorite sports, movies or music. When you devote your time on her points of interest, she will surely feel attracted towards you. This will also make her feel that you care for her likes and dislikes.
10. Ask Her For a Date
When you realize that she loves your company, you can ask her out on a date. Taking her out on a date may lead to a perfect couple dance or even the most memorable kiss.
When you think it’s the right time to express your feelings, go ahead and be clear. This does not mean that you should look like a frantic guy just wanting to propose a girl. Follow your gut instincts and show your love for her. If you are unsure of what to say and how to start, you can read some romance novels to get clues.
11. Respect Your Woman
Respect your woman and give her the freedom to make her choices.
Do not bully or stalk her around to get into the relationship. At the same time, do not keep away as it will create the impression that you are not interested in her. But, never force her into meeting every day. Give her the needed break to miss you. Perhaps, she will get the time to realize her feelings for you.
12. Love Her For What She Is
Love the girl for what she is. If you are thinking to change her according to your needs after you start a relationship, the connection will not last for a long time.
Here is what you can do:
- Every woman is an independent human being. Respect her choices and accept her as she is.
- Show that you value her and her opinions. You can help to change her certain negative aspects about life, which she must have believed because of her painful past.
- Do not judge her personality. Every woman is aware of what she is doing.
- Share her thoughts and opinions, and appreciate her.
- Listen to her patiently and be open for communication. Women don’t like spending time with a person who does not listen to their concerns.
- Get into a conversation. Instead of selling yourself, try to talk about her. She will love the feeling that you care for her.
- Be gentle to her. Don’t be aggressive at all.
13. Make Her Feel Special Every Day
You can make her feel special by doing simple things such as opening the car door or pulling the chair for her to be seated. Ask for her suggestions on the choice of the movie before taking her out on the movie date. Such simple concerns will make her feel special.
Show a keen interest in what she says and try to remember a few key points. She will be impressed when you pull up those minute details some time later in a related situation. Her choices will also make it easier for you to find a suitable gift for her.
Be a gentleman and treat her as a lovable woman. You do not have to be like an actor when you are with her, but you should try to sport the best personality and spirits. If you are looking for more tips, you can check all romance ebooks. They are easily available online and most of them are free of cost.
14. The Key Factor: Love Her Loyally
Even though you are working hard on your personality and conducts to impress your woman, the main element still lies in loving and pampering her. If you feel embarrassed to tell her again and again about your feelings, you can express them better physically.
Playful physical gestures also go a long way into the heart of the girl.
Here is how:
- Take her hand gently on a brisk walk.
- Cuddle her often. Women love to cuddle up.
- Stroke her arm or back when she needs to be consoled.
- Hold her face in your arm when you really want to say something you mean to.
15. Create the Magic by Making Your Kisses Unforgettable
Do not confine the kisses to just the hook up session. Unexpected gentle pecks on the forehead or cheeks can create more magic in your romantic life than the hot tongue tangles.
- Come up with an unexpected kiss. Give her a sweet peck when she is getting ready or is in the middle of the date. Blend your kiss with a flattered but honest compliment. Simply tell her that you felt like kissing her.
- Keeps the connection live. Most men behave like a Casanova for the first few days and once they get the clue that the girl is falling in love, they slack back in their efforts. Try to meet every weekend over a coffee or a stroll in the night. This does not mean that rest of the days you can stay as if she didn’t exist.
- Make her feel loved with text messages and phone calls. Do not become a disturbance though. Find out about her free time and connect with her accordingly.
- Post a message that reminded you of her. If you are not the social guy, send her the picture on her email or message box. Let her know that she is in your mind even when you are not together.

- Buy special gifts like big teddy bears or even jewelry. Simple things also can help you to win her such as her favorite chocolate or snacks.
- Help her in her kitchen. Make a yummy coffee when she is feeling low. Such things will make her feel good and she will get more attracted to you. But, stop being like her errand boy or worker. You should know when to stop.
Apply these tips on all about romance and see your dream girl attracted to you.
16. Keep the Love Fresh and New Always
Do not stick to a usual schedule, like dinner dates and movies. Try something new and interesting so that she has different experience. Don’t bore her with the same schedule. Here are a few tips:
- Be spontaneous on the plans to make the meeting exciting. This can be a drive to the countryside, a different cuisine restaurant, shopping, amusement park or anything new.
- Try some adventurous day outings like diving or surfing. But, do check if she has some phobia to water or heights when you are planning the outings. A wrong plan would spoil the whole effort. So, know her interests through small talks and plan a surprise for her.
- Connect with her friends and family for an everlasting relationship. When they will form a connection with your, things will work out on its own. It might seem a little odd to be at her family birthday party entertaining her uncle or her small cousin, but your efforts will not be wasted.
17. Sweep Her Off Her Feet With Your Beautiful Gestures
After you have won her heart, do not sit back idle. Find ways to make her fall in love with you again and again. Make your relationship spicy by giving her surprises every now and then or by sending her messages. Make her feel your presence by any means so that she thinks of you during most of the day.
Send her frequent love message to remind her you are missing her. Let he know how beautiful she is. Call her once in a while to let her know those three magical words.
18. Work to Make Your Emotional Connection Stronger
You can make your relationship stronger by strengthening your emotional connection. Here is how you can do.
- Pen down your feelings for her. Write down how you feel for her. If you are not the imaginative guy, simply put together your feelings on a greeting card. Remember about the moment you met her and how you felt that spark of love.
- Write a love poem for her. You can get some inspiration from online sources to write a poem dedicated to her. Love is poetic and with a small brainstorming session, you will be able to come up with an enchanting poem for your lady love. Learn it well and say it with flowers amidst a romantic ambience. If you feel uncomfortable to say it in front of her, write it and send it over. She will surely fall in love with you again.
Leave love notes. You can make her feel special by leaving random love notes in her car, room or book. Thank and appreciate her even for her small gestures. She will soon notice your love and will definitely reciprocate back.
In order to make your relationship ooze with love, you should learn all about romance and apply the tips to attract your dream girl to you forever. Women are rather fragile and immensely sensitive so make sure that you don’t hurt them. When you treat them with love, they will love you back and be yours forever.