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Recently, we’ve talked about how to start a conversation with a girl. Assuming that goes well, you’ve also got a seduction guide to guide you from date to bedroom. And you know that Nexus Pheromones can help you smell great and put human sex pheromones on your side. Now we’re going to talk about how to … How to Please a Woman in Bed
You got her number. That’s the cool news. Now biology is a-callin’. You feel that strong desire to go forth and procreate. And now, dear friend, you need a seduction guide to take things to the next level. Let’s clarify a few things before we go further. This is a seduction guide – not a … Your Seduction Guide: From Date to Bedroom
You might be rich. You may be good looking. But your chances with women go down to zero if you can’t start a conversation with a girl. She won’t approach you. Sorry, but you can count on that – it’s pretty much a given that an attractive girl can walk into a bar and she … How to Start a Conversation With a Girl